Author Archives: admin

Fertilizer Application: Boosting Pepper Plant Growth

Choosing the right rich loamy soil for your pepper plants is the first step. Loam soil tends to have the highest organic matter content among the other soil types. Hence, it is the ideal choice for growing pepper plants. However, it may provide the essential nutrients and minerals our plants may need; a good dose […]

5 Effective Ways to Control Aphids on Pepper Plants

Aphids are one of the peskiest pests on pepper plants. They may not be around today, but these sneaky insects often appear out of nowhere the next day. Letting a few aphids hang around on your peppers can be harmless, or so you thought. These insects are small and soft-bodied, but they are quite prolific […]

Getting To Know the Carolina Reaper: Then and Now

Peppers have come a long way ever since Columbus and the Portuguese discovered their existence while searching for the New World and spreading its hot and spicy goodness all over the world. Thanks to the Mayan, Aztecs, and Egyptians, numerous varieties of the Capsicum species have suddenly started popping up like mushrooms everywhere throughout the […]

The Three Most Common Aphid Pests of Pepper Plants

Aphid is considered to be one of the most common insect pests in agriculture. These transmitters of viral diseases are practically everywhere, from horticultural crops to ornamentals. One or two can be harmless to a plant, but large populations of these insects can be deadly especially for peppers. And they can easily make their way […]